Monday, November 24, 2008

A Light View of Obama Newser

It's hard to find any humor in this financial crisis that's swallowing the country. But here's a Wonkette live blog that took my mind off the scary stuff for a few minutes.
It's funny, it has personality, and manages to convey a sense of "being there." And between all of the snarky comments, the real news is covered: Obama introduced economic team headed by Geithner and Summer; he says things are really, really bad and he want an economic stimulus package passed as soon as possible; and he declined to put a price tag on it.
I was entertained and informed. I had heard much of the news conference and had read the Reuters story before I read the live blog. Now, I'm wondering whether my appreciation of this Wonkette piece is because I'm seeing the event from another perspective.

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